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Understanding The Best Strategies For Trade Secret Protection


Trade secrets are any component of a product, service, technology or process that provides a company a competitive advantage.


Unauthorized use of a trade secret can negatively impact a company's performance, and thus is a violation of the Defend Trade Secrets Act of 2016. A holder of a trade secret that has been violated may file a lawsuit against the party in order to stop its use or disclosure. Compensation for economic damages may be part of the resolution in these cases.


Crockett & Crockett assists clients in determining whether their intellectual property should be protected by a patent or as a trade secret. Each attorney at our firm has the experience in trade secret intellectual property law needed to develop leading trade secret protection strategies and procedures. We also help our clients draft nondisclosure agreements that allow them to share their intellectual property to strategic partners without destroying the integrity of their intellectual property rights.


How We Help Our Clients Protect Their Trade Secrets


There are a number of proactive measures to protect trade secrets, including:


  • Nondisclosure and noncompete agreements with employees or independent contractors

  • Investing in the latest computer security technology

  • Limiting the number of people in your company who have access to trade secrets


If you have questions about what constitutes a trade secret or if you need to protect existing trade secrets, call 949-588-6171 or contact us to schedule a consultation.

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