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Why register your trademark domain name?


If you plan to run a business, you may be trying to decide if you want to register your trademark. It's a good idea to do so in most cases, because you don't want to become successful and then be unable to obtain the domain name you want. There are several kinds of domain names you can obtain.

Some people choose to have .org suffixes on their domain names. This suffix is usually used for nonprofit organizations. Other endings, such as .gov, .edu, .net or .mil are for the government, educational facilities, network-related entities or the military. Most people obtain .com endings for commercial businesses or their own personal use.

A domain name trademark applies to your website's domain if it is distinctive enough to stand apart and has consumer association with your brand. You must also have been the first to use it with your goods or services. You can generally check the availability of a domain name by looking at websites such as InterNIC and ICANN, which can search the registries held by approved registrars.

You can find out who the person who owns the website is if he or she has obtained the domain you want to use. In some cases, it's possible to buy the domain name or to obtain it through a lawsuit if the person using it is doing so in bad faith.

Your attorney can help you reach out to a person who owns a domain you want or help you be sure your domain is legal. With the right help, this domain can help you further your brand.

On behalf of Crockett & Crockett posted on Wednesday, November 8, 2017.

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